+52 1 (56) 2820 4600
Guillermo González Camarena
1600, 4-A, Col. Santa Fe,
Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón.
C.P. 01210, México, CDMX
Innovation that unites willpower
for the Common Good
Your support and contribution
are vital!
We know that as a donor you want
your support, whether in kind or
monetary, to effectively reach the
group or cause you want to impact.
At Inter-Unit we seek to innovate
the way we donate.
We achieve this by making visible all our donors through our search engine, which shows in detail their donation preferences and offerings. Furthermore, the contact request dashboard allows direct communication with interested organizations.
The search engine contains a variety of donation options ranging from economic contributions, food, clothing, medicine to legal consulting, training, digital promotion, volunteering and many more.
We believe that
everyone has
something valuable
to contribute to the
Civil Society
Benefits for our donors
Individual profile with secure access
Acces to digital tools and services
Security and reliability thanks to previous user
Easy and effective searches to make donations
and generate alliances
Direct and accessible communication with CSO and allies
Visibility to CSOs and potential allies at the
national and international level
Combining efforts to achieve common goals
Report of benefits and results obtained by
supported CSOs
Recognition in our social networks and newsletter
Alignment with the UN Sustainable Development
Transparency with evidence of donations
Publication of the donor's logo in the profile of
the supported CSOs
Invoice for the cost of memberships
Participation in communication and collaboration forums
Find out what motivates you to become
a donor and make an impact in the
development of society!
Our membership is a symbol of collaboration, integrated by the essential participation of both the social sector and the private sector.
Become a member of this social innovation project and be an agent of change by investing in your society and creating a positive impact on it.
Visit our memberships section and choose the one that best suits you.
Join Now
How to become a donor?
The use of the platform and all its benefits
are obtained by paying the monthly
membership, which automatically makes
you a collaborator of a CSO.
Go to memberships